
冷軍(b.1963) 匙叉變奏曲 紙本 丙烯

圖錄號: 662

估價RMB: 80,000-120,000

成交價RMB: 151,200(含傭金)

冷 軍(b.1963) 匙叉變奏曲 紙本 丙烯
簽名:冷軍 2000.元

LENG JUN(b.1963)
Acrylic on paper
Dated 2000
Description: signed in Chinese and dated.
Illustrated: Jiangsu Pictorial, Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, issue 6, 2010.
Note: it’s an authentic work confirmed by the artist.
RMB: 80,000-120,000
I just feel sketch is a simple way. Face to the scene then pick up a pen to draw, that’s all. I really need such feeling, because it’s totoally different from the former way. A piece of artwork finished from concept design to detail making, needs a process of a transition from sensitivity to rationality. In contrast, sketch is pure and relax. It’s the status that a real artist should own.
Generally speaking, artwork is a conception including the meaning of creation. Indeed, sketch attaches something with exercise, maybe we always consider it’s just a kind of practice. However, the miracle of art history tells us it’s not unusual a piece of sketch work become artwork. Acually there are no need to confuse with these problems, anyone has some to face and solve. When confronting the objects, i certainly want to make progress in details. For instance, as for the expression of light or color, I will analyze the past and the modern artists, then combine with my own experiences to settle problems. Whatever the Super Realism or the free hand sketch, the crucial point is the feeling of artists. The former is when i am in a relatively rational situation, i enjoy it peacefully; but sketch is under the blazing sunshine outdoor, it makes me excited.
As an artist, intuition is more important than thought. I always believe that sketch time is the best status of the artist.
-Walk out of empty-Talk with Leng Jun about Sketch
1991年 “建黨七十周年全國美術展”,獲銅獎。
1992年 “中國廣州藝術雙年展”,獲優(yōu)秀獎。
1993年 “93中國油畫年展”,獲銀獎。
1994年 “第二屆中國油畫展”,獲藝術作品獎。
1995年 “95中國油畫年展”,獲金獎。
1996年 “首屆中國油畫學會展”。
1999年 “第九屆全國美術作品展”,獲金獎,同時獲日中友好會館大獎。
2000年 “1979-1999世紀之門邀請展”。
2001年 “首屆中國小油畫大展”,獲藝術作品獎。
2002年 “中國油畫百年展”。
2003年 “北京國際藝術雙年展”。
2004年 “第十屆全國美展”,獲優(yōu)秀獎。
Leng Jun was born in Sichuan Province in 1963, graduated from Department of Art of Wuhan Normal University in 1984, where he is currently the Vice-Dean. He is the member of Chinese Artists Association, member of China Oil Painting Society, the National First-class Artist. Awards: The Silver Medal in“The 2nd Annual Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting”, 1993; The Gold Medal in “The 3rd Annual Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting”, 1995; The Gold Medal in “The 9th National Fine Arts Exhibition”, 1999; The Excellence Prize in “The 10th National Fine Arts Exhibition”, 2004. He participated in “Gate to Century: 1979-1999 Chinese Art Invitational Show”, Shenzhen, 2000; “The 3rd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition”, 2003, and held Solo Exhibition in Guangdong Art Museum in 2005


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